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Our Humanitarian Commitments

When you choose to travel with RisoulSki, you are directly contributing to the realization of humanitarian projects in Mali or Burkina Faso.

RisoulSki, and/or its manager (in a personal capacity), are involved in education and sustainable development, by donating a portion of their profits to a humanitarian NGO active in Mali.

Why this country so far from the Alps? 

Mali is a choice close to the heart of the manager, inspired by a personal trip made to the Dogon Country region 10 years ago. 
Since then, famines, wars, and jihadist raids have frequently struck the villages in this part of Mali, populated by increasingly destitute people. 
This has led to the desire to provide our help to the local populations who are suffering unjustly. 

Since 2021, RisoulSki has donated €10,000 annually to the Belgian NGO 'Enfants du Monde'.

With this amount, two projects have been funded in Mali:

1. The construction of a school in the village of Pignari Bara, near Sévaré, in the Dogon Country. This project includes the drilling of a well, the planting of over 150 trees, and the creation of a teaching garden.

2. The provision of urgent humanitarian aid in the form of millet (grain), rice, and oil to two villages near Kaouli, recently devastated by jihadist attacks, where famine is rampant today.

By booking with RisoulSki, you are making a small contribution to these projects and the ones that will follow. And for that, we thank you!

The Association Enfants du Monde (EDM)

Enfants du Monde is a Belgian NGO that helps underprivileged children in developing countries. The association operates in 14 third-world countries and funds dozens of various projects (scholarships, construction and renovation of schools, clinics, daycare centers, orphanages, homes for disabled children, school supplies, sometimes teacher salaries, etc.).

All members of Enfants du Monde are volunteers. The association operates entirely on donations from private donors, including RisoulSki.

€1 donated, is €1 sent to the field!

If you wish to make a donation or obtain more information about the projects supported by Enfants du Monde, visit here:

Actions taken in Mali and Burkina Faso since 2009

RisoulSki is in close contact with Philippe and Manu, whose teams have carried out several projects in Mali and Burkina Faso since 2009. Here is a brief overview:

  • Sustainable Development
  • Well drilling
  • Planting and maintenance of trees by schoolchildren to combat desertification
  • Implementation of a pilot project for solar drying of mangoes
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Funding for surgical operations for children with NOMA (severe cleft lip)
  • Organizing activities for children in refugee camps affected by jihadist attacks
  • Establishing a dialogue on environmental issues like desertification or ecology and societal issues like access to education for girls, population explosion, polygamy, early and forced marriages for pre-adolescent girls, female genital mutilation, bridging the gap between traditional and modern medicine, gender equality, etc.
  • Attempting to challenge certain habits, for example by encouraging men to help women with domestic water transport, so that little girls no longer have to carry 25-liter jerry cans on their own.

As you might guess: there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done on the ground.

But, thanks to the work of Philippe and Manu's teams, we are already seeing positive changes in mindsets and practices.

The road ahead is long, but RisoulSki is determined to continue its commitment to these worthy projects in the coming years! Want to lend a hand too?

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