Off-season stays
Welcome 365 days a year!
At RisoulSki, we offer our apartments and studios all year round, even when the resort is closed. We welcome nature lovers and workers in all seasons.
Outside the tourist seasons, you will have the mountain all to yourself, and you can fully enjoy the colors of the off-season.
In the off-season, the shops and restaurants are also mostly closed. But you can do your shopping in the valley, for example at the Intermarché store you pass before going up to Risoul, and you will be independent.
It is advisable to contact the Risoul tourist office to get the exact information on the possible activities and the available services at that time.
Note that outside the winter and summer seasons, the swimming pool and sauna of the Antarès residence are closed.
The Risoul station can also be an excellent base for exploring the surrounding region, from the Queyras natural park to the hot springs of the Phazy plan.
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